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APPENDIX (ex15): Prepare input for gene synteny visualisation

In order to produce gene synteny plots using genoPlotR as outlined in Gene synteny, we need to know the annotations and relative nucleotide positions of our genes of interest. We can use our annotations file generated via homology and domain searches (here, we have parsed and aggregated these annotations using an in-house custom script) or DRAM in order to obtain relevant genes and their labels. Gene nucleotide positions relative to assembled contigs/scaffolds can be obtained from prodigal outputs.

Additionally, we need BLAST outputs for comparing between genes along their contigs. For this, we rely on outputs from pairwise tBLASTx (translates a nucleotide database then searches it using a translated nucleotide query) to perform sequential comparisons across different bins.

For this example, we use our aggregated annotations (provided in 10.gene_annotation_and_coverage/example_annotation_tables) and prodigal outputs to generate input files for visualising the synteny of genes that encode the sulfate/thiosulfate ABC transporter involved in assimilating extracellular sulfate. We will begin by subsetting our genes of interest based on KEGG orthology numbers and relevant annotation labels, followed by a pairwise tBLASTx of our contigs.

1. Navigating the working directory

We will be working in 10.gene_annotation_and_coverage/ where you will find the example_annotation_tables/, filtered_bins/ and predictions/ sub-directories already prepared for you.


# Navigate to working directory
cd /nesi/nobackup/nesi02659/MGSS_U/<YOUR FOLDER>/10.gene_annotation_and_coverage

# View relevant sub-directories
ls example_annotation_tables/

Terminal output

bin_0.annotation.aa  bin_3.annotation.aa  bin_6.annotation.aa  bin_9.annotation.aa
bin_1.annotation.aa  bin_4.annotation.aa  bin_7.annotation.aa
bin_2.annotation.aa  bin_5.annotation.aa  bin_8.annotation.aa


ls predictions/

Terminal output

bin_0.filtered.genes.faa              bin_5.filtered.genes.faa
bin_0.filtered.genes.fna              bin_5.filtered.genes.fna
bin_0.filtered.genes.gbk              bin_5.filtered.genes.gbk
bin_0.filtered.genes.no_metadata.faa  bin_5.filtered.genes.no_metadata.faa
bin_0.filtered.genes.no_metadata.fna  bin_5.filtered.genes.no_metadata.fna
bin_1.filtered.genes.faa              bin_6.filtered.genes.faa
bin_1.filtered.genes.fna              bin_6.filtered.genes.fna
bin_1.filtered.genes.gbk              bin_6.filtered.genes.gbk
bin_1.filtered.genes.no_metadata.faa  bin_6.filtered.genes.no_metadata.faa
bin_1.filtered.genes.no_metadata.fna  bin_6.filtered.genes.no_metadata.fna
bin_2.filtered.genes.faa              bin_7.filtered.genes.faa
bin_2.filtered.genes.fna              bin_7.filtered.genes.fna
bin_2.filtered.genes.gbk              bin_7.filtered.genes.gbk
bin_2.filtered.genes.no_metadata.faa  bin_7.filtered.genes.no_metadata.faa
bin_2.filtered.genes.no_metadata.fna  bin_7.filtered.genes.no_metadata.fna
bin_3.filtered.genes.faa              bin_8.filtered.genes.faa
bin_3.filtered.genes.fna              bin_8.filtered.genes.fna
bin_3.filtered.genes.gbk              bin_8.filtered.genes.gbk
bin_3.filtered.genes.no_metadata.faa  bin_8.filtered.genes.no_metadata.faa
bin_3.filtered.genes.no_metadata.fna  bin_8.filtered.genes.no_metadata.fna
bin_4.filtered.genes.faa              bin_9.filtered.genes.faa
bin_4.filtered.genes.fna              bin_9.filtered.genes.fna
bin_4.filtered.genes.gbk              bin_9.filtered.genes.gbk
bin_4.filtered.genes.no_metadata.faa  bin_9.filtered.genes.no_metadata.faa
bin_4.filtered.genes.no_metadata.fna  bin_9.filtered.genes.no_metadata.fna

2. Obtain annotations for genes of interest

2.1 Subset annotations

Based on the KEGG module for sulfate-sulfur assimilation, we need annotations that match K02048, K23163, K02046, K02047, and K02045. Out of all the columns, we are only interested in the gene ID and the KEGG annotations. We know that column 1 is the gene ID, so lets find the column index that contains the KEGG annotations.


grep -P "K0204[5-8]|K23163" example_annotation_tables/*.aa \
  | awk -F '\t' '
        for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
          if (match($i, "K[0-9]{5}"))
            printf("Column %d contains KO of interest.\n", i)
    ' \
  | uniq

# Column 26 contains KO of interest.

Deconstruct the code block above:

Code Action
grep -P "K0204[5-8]\|K23163" *.aa Finds the rows that contain the pattern for our KO of interest in all annotation files within this directory.
awk -F '\t' ' Starts the awk programme to parse the output of grep and tells it that the outputs have tab-delimited columns.
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { Starts the C-style for loop within awk by assigning it an initial value of 1 (i = 1), continue the loop as long as the value of i is lower than the total number of rows (i <= NF), and increment by 1 as the loop progresses (i++).
if (match($i, "K[0-9]{5}")) Starts an if loop and evaluates if a column contains string that matches the pattern K[0-9]{5} (which is the regex for a KO number). This is evaluated per row.
printf("Column %d contains KO of interest.\n", i) If there is a match in the row, print out the resulting column index.
uniq Returns only unique results.

The code above says that all KO annotations are in column 26. This is true for all annotation files. Lets move on to subset to the KO numbers we want and cut out the columns we need. We will do this per bin.


for bin_number in {0..9}; do

  grep -P "K0204[5-8]|K23163" example_annotation_tables/bin_${bin_number}.annotation.aa \
    | cut -f 1,26 > bin_${bin_number}.goi.aa

  if [ ! -s bin_${bin_number}.goi.aa ]; then
    rm bin_${bin_number}.goi.aa

Deconstructing the code block

The above code block loops through each bin annotation file to subset relevant rows from the main annotation files (grep -P "K0204[5-8]|K23163" example_annotation_tables/bin_${bin_number}.annotation.aa) then selects the first and 26th columns (cut -f 1,26).

It also evaluates if the output is an empty file (in the case where the KO of interest is not found in the bin annotation) (if [ ! -s bin_${bin_number}.goi.aa ]) and removes it if it is.

We have 4 files after running the above code.


ls *.aa

Terminal output

bin_3.goi.aa  bin_5.goi.aa  bin_8.goi.aa  bin_9.goi.aa

2.2 Check for contiguous and sequential outputs

We need to check that the genes are contiguous (all on the same contig) and sequential (identify gaps between genes and fill them). Remember that prodigal headers (for which were propagated through our annotation workflows) always have contigID_geneID where geneID is always relative to the order it was found on the contig's nucleotide sequence. With that in mind, lets check for gene contiguity first.


for aa_file in *goi.aa; do
  bin=$(basename ${aa_file} .goi.aa)
  contig=$(cut -f 1 ${aa_file} | sed -E 's/_[0-9]+$//g' | sort -u | wc -l)

  if [ $contig -gt 1 ]; then
    printf "%s has %d contig(s).\n" $bin $contig


Terminal output

bin_5 has 2 contig(s).
Deconstructing the code block

The code above loops through all annotation subsets and finds the number of contigs in each file. It does this by using cut -f 1 which selects the first columns, then sed -E 's/_[0-9]+$//g' removes the trailing gene numbers of the gene ID, followed by a dereplication of contigs via sort -u and finally counts the number of lines of the results using wc -l.

if the bin annotation subset has more than 1 contig (if [ $contig -gt 1 ]; then), then it reports/prints the bin and number of contigs found (printf "%s has %d contig(s).\n" $bin $contig).

The code block above shows that we have non-contiguous genes in bin 5. We will need to remove the extra gene(s) originating from another contig. Lets check which contig we need to remove.


cat bin_5.goi.aa

Terminal output

bin_5_NODE_52_length_158668_cov_0.373555_136    K02048: cysP; sulfate ABC transporter substrate-binding protein
bin_5_NODE_95_length_91726_cov_0.379302_67      K02048: sbp; sulfate-binding protein
bin_5_NODE_95_length_91726_cov_0.379302_68      K02046: cysT; sulfate transporter CysT
bin_5_NODE_95_length_91726_cov_0.379302_69      K02047: cysW; sulfate transporter CysW
bin_5_NODE_95_length_91726_cov_0.379302_70      K02045: cysA; sulfate.thiosulfate ABC transporter ATP-binding protein CysA

We find that contig bin_5_NODE_52_length_158668_cov_0.373555 is not contiguous with the set of genes in contig bin_5_NODE_95_length_91726_cov_0.379302. We will make a note of that. Now lets check for continuity of genes.


for aa_file in *goi.aa; do
  bin=$(basename ${aa_file} .goi.aa)
  gene_number=$(cut -f 1 ${aa_file} | sed -E 's/.*_([0-9]+$)/\1/g' | uniq)
  echo "$bin: $(echo ${gene_number[@]})"

Terminal output

bin_3: 128 132 133 134
bin_5: 136 67 68 69 70
bin_8: 55 56 57 58
bin_9: 147 148 149 150
Deconstructing the code block

We loop through each of the annotation subset to select the first column (cut -f 1), extract the trailing gene order/number (sed -E 's/.*_([0-9]+$)/\1/g') and returns unique entries (uniq). The result is stored as an array named gene_number.

It also reports the results of each bin and the array of gene numbers.

Results from the above code block shows that bin 3 has a gap between genes. We need to make sure we get the genes in between gene number 128 and 132.

2.3 Create subsets of annotation files with correct genes

Based on previous checks, we find that we need to:

  • remove contig bin_5_NODE_52_length_158668_cov_0.373555 from bin 5 when we create the final annotation file.
  • fill in gaps in genes for bin 3.


# Remove non-contiguous gene from bin_5.goi.aa
sed -i '/bin_5_NODE_52_length_158668_cov_0.373555/d' bin_5.goi.aa

# Obtain genes between 129 and 131 in contig bin_3_NODE_53_length_158395_cov_1.135272 and add to annotations
cat example_annotation_tables/bin_3.annotation.aa \
  | grep -E "bin_3_NODE_53_length_158395_cov_1.135272_" \ # Search for required contig
  | grep -E "_129|_130|_131" \                            # Search for required gene numbers
  | cut -f 1,26 >> bin_3.goi.aa                           # Select columns 1 and 26

2.4 Clean up annotation tables

Now we have gene annotations that are contiguous and continuous. Lets clean up the tables by:

  1. Sorting entries by gene order
  2. Separating KO from other annotation information
  3. Adding headers
  4. Replace anything that doesn't have KO numbers with an annotation so we do not get empty fields


for aa_file in *.aa; do
  bin=$(basename ${aa_file} .goi.aa)
  sort -u -k 1 ${aa_file} \
    | sed -e 's/: /\t/g' \
    | sed '1i\Query gene\tKO\tAnnotation' \
    | awk -F '\t' -v OFS='\t' '
          if (!match($2, "K")) {

      ' > ${bin}_cys.txt
Deconstructing the code block

We loop through each annotation subset, then:

Code Action
sort -u -k 1 Dereplicate and sort entries based on the first column
sed '1i\Query gene\tKO\tAnnotation' Add header
awk -F '\t' -v OFS='\t' Initiate the awk programme by setting the input and output field separator as tabs
if (!match($2, "K")) {$3=$2} If entries in the second column that do not have a "K", use value in the second column as values for the third column
print Return/print out all lines

3. Create comparison tables

After obtaining relevant annotations for our genes of interest, we need to align the sequences against each other in order to identify sequence homology and directionality across our genes of interest. This can be achieved via pairwise sequence alignment using BLAST (or BLAST-like algorithms). Here, we will use tBLASTx to obtain requisite comparison tables. Here, we will do this using the command line. However, you can also use online BLAST as outlined here. This is a 2 step process:

  1. Obtain nucleotide sequences for relevant contigs in each bin
  2. Run (sequentially) a pairwise tBLASTx between each bin
Which BLAST algorithms to use?

For visualising gene synteny using genoPlotR, one can use outputs of BLASTn or tBLASTx. The determination of which algorithm to use depends on the phylogenetic relationship between MAGs. For closely related genomes, you can use BLASTn (or its variants) given that the genes will likely be conserved at the nucleotide sequence level. However, if your genomes are phylogenetically distant, you will need to use tBLASTx. This allows us to compare gene homology at the amino acid sequence level and retain nucleotide position information.

3.1 Subset contigs per bin

We begin by getting contig headers from our annotation files then using that to search and subset binned contigs. To subset sequences in FASTA format, we will be using seqtk


module purge
module load seqtk/1.3-gimkl-2018b

for gene_file in *_cys.txt; do
  bin=$(basename ${gene_file} _cys.txt)
  cut -f 1 ${gene_file} | tail -n+2 | sed -e 's/_[0-9]*$//g' | uniq > ${bin}_cys.contigID
  seqtk subseq filtered_bins/${bin}.filtered.fna ${bin}_cys.contigID > ${bin}_cys_contig.fna

3.3 Run tBLASTx

We do not need to perform pairwise comparisons for all bin combinations (you can, if you want to). We will run tBLASTx in the order which we want to observe the genes in: bin_3, bin_5, bin_8, then bin_9. To do this, we set an array for bin IDs then run them through sequentially.


# Set array
bin_array=(bin_3 bin_5 bin_8 bin_9)

# Initiate index

# Set maximum array index
max_i=$(( ${#bin_array[@]}-1 ))

# Run tBLASTx, comparing bins sequentially in the order of the array
while [ $i -lt $max_i ]; do
  printf "Comparing %s against %s\n" $qbin $sbin
  tblastx -query ${qbin}_cys_contig.fna -subject ${sbin}_cys_contig.fna \
          -out blast_${qbin}_${sbin}.txt -outfmt "7 std ppos frames"
  ((i++)) # Increment i after each comparison

The above workflow should generate the required files for the annotation subset (<binID>_cys.txt) and pairwise BLAST comparisons (blast_<query binID>_<subject binID>.txt). Along with these outputs, copy the prodigal predictions (either *.faa or *.fna; do not use no_metadata files) from relevant bins into your working directory and follow the steps outlined in Presentation of data: gene synteny to generate synteny plots.