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Bin dereplication

Bin dereplication using DAS_Tool - Creating input tables

As we discussed in the previous exercise, we have now generated two sets of bins from the same single assembly. With this mock data set we can see that MetaBAT recovered 12 bins, while MaxBin recovered 10. Note that we are aiming to recover prokaryote genomes using these binning tools (we will use other tools to investigate viral genomes in later exercises), and 10 bacterial and archaeal genomes were used in the creation of this mock community. If our mock community only contained these 10 prokaryote genomes and omitted the viral genomes, we shouldn't expect to see more than 10 bins total. In our case here, these tools have likely recovered 10 bins of the same genomes. The additional two bins identified by MetaBAT may be the result of noise introduced into the binning process by the viral contigs included in the data. Furthermore, it is not clear which tool has done a better job of recruiting contigs to each bin - we very rarely expect to see the complete genome recovered from these kinds of data, so while it is probably the case that while an equivalent bin is present in the MetaBAT and MaxBin outputs, they will likely be of differing quality.

DAS_Tool is a program designed to analyse the bins in each of our binning sets and determine where these equivalent pairs (or triplets if we use three binners) exist and return the 'best' one. DAS_Tool does not use the actual bins, but a set of text files that link contigs to their corresponding bins in each of the bin sets. We can produce these files using bash.

For this exercise, we will continue working in the 5.binning/ directory.

Create contig/bin tables - MetaBAT

For each of our binning tools, we need to extract the contigs assigned to each bin and create a single file that reports these as


This can be done with a bit of bash scripting. There's quite a bit going on here, so we'll provide the full command, and then a step-by-step explanation of what's happening.

Remember to update <YOUR FOLDER> to your own folder

Navigate to working directory

cd /nesi/nobackup/nesi02659/MGSS_U/<YOUR FOLDER>/5.binning/

Create metabat_associations.txt

for bin_path in metabat/*.fa; do
    bin_name=$(basename ${bin_path} .fa)

    grep ">" ${bin_path} | sed 's/>//g' | sed "s/$/\t${bin_name}/g" >> metabat_associations.txt

You can check the contents of this file using less or head:

Inspect metabat_association.txt

head -n 5 metabat_associations.txt

Terminal output

NODE_44_length_186282_cov_0.255381      metabat.10
NODE_51_length_159085_cov_0.252240      metabat.10
NODE_68_length_132434_cov_0.251275      metabat.10
NODE_71_length_129650_cov_0.256954      metabat.10
NODE_73_length_121437_cov_0.254006      metabat.10

We will now walk through the content of the "Create metabat_associations.txt" code block above, breaking apart each individual step.

Line 1: Initiate a for loop

for bin_path in metabat/*.fa; do

This is the initial loop, returning each file in the metabat/ folder that ends with the file extension .fa.

Line 2: Remove path prefix

    bin_name=$(basename ${bin_path} .fa)

As we have previously seen, the basename command removes the path information from the input variable bin_path (i.e. - metabat/metabat.1.fa becomes metabat.1.fa) and assigns it to a new variable, bin_name. As an optional additional parameter, we can pass extra pieces of text to be removed from the variable, in this case the .fa extension.

Line 4: Subset information to create and update metabat_associations.txt

    grep ">" ${bin_path} | sed 's/>//g' | sed "s/$/\t${bin_name}/g" >> metabat_associations.txt

We will break this line down step-by-step:

grep ">" ${bin_path} The grep command searches the input file bin_path for lines containing the > character, which is the fastA demarcation for a sequence name.
sed 's/>//g' The first sed command replaces the > character with the empty character '', as we do not need this character in the final file.
sed "s/$/\t${bin_name}/g" We now use sed again, this time to replace the $ character. In many command line tools and software environments (including R and python) the characters ^ and $ are used as shortcuts for the beginning and ending of a line, respectively. By using the character in this way, we are telling sed to replace the end-of-line with the text \t${bin_name}. sed will parse this text to mean the tab character followed by the content of the bin_name variable. The nature of sed is that it will automatically insert a new end-of-line.
>> metabat_associations.txt This is similar to the stdout redirection we have previously used, but the double use of the > character means that we are appending our text to the end of the file metabat_associations.txt. Because we are looping through several files in this exercise, if we were to use the single > character then on each new fastA file read, the content of metabat_associations.txt would be replaced.

It is important to note that because we are appending to the file, not replacing the contents, if you make a mistake in the command and need to re-run it, you will need to explicitly delete the metabat_associations.txt file using rm, otherwise your new (correct) output will be pasted to the end of your old (incorrect) output.

Create contig/bin tables - MaxBin

The process for creating the MaxBin table is basically the same, we just need to change the file extension, as MaxBin writes outputs using the .fasta suffix rather than the .fa one.

Create maxbin_associations.txt

for bin_path in maxbin/*.fasta;
    bin_name=$(basename ${bin_path} .fasta)
    grep ">" ${bin_path} | sed 's/>//g' | sed "s/$/\t${bin_name}/g" >> maxbin_associations.txt

Warning for unbinned contigs

Both MetaBAT and MaxBin have the option to output unbinned contigs after binning completes. We have not used that parameter here, but if you do choose to enable it you will end up with another fastA file in your output directory which you will need to avoid in the loops for creating DAS_Tool tables.

Bin dereplication using DAS_Tool

We are now ready to run DAS_Tool. This can be done from the command line, as it does not take a particularly long time to run for this data set.

Run DAS_Tool

# Remove modules to ensure a clean environment
module purge

# Load DAS Tool
module load DAS_Tool/1.1.5-gimkl-2022a-R-4.2.1

# Create DAS_Tool output directory
mkdir -p dastool_out/

# Run DAS_Tool
DAS_Tool -i metabat_associations.txt,maxbin_associations.txt \
         -l MetaBAT,MaxBin \
         -t 2 --write_bins --search_engine diamond \
         -c spades_assembly/spades_assembly.m1000.fna \
         -o dastool_out/

Terminal output

DAS Tool 1.1.5 
Analyzing assembly 
Predicting genes 
Annotating single copy genes using diamond 
Dereplicating, aggregating, and scoring bins 
Writing bins

As usual, we will break down the parameters:

-i A comma-separated list of the contig/bin files we wish to process
-l A comma-separated list of the binning tools used
-t Number of threads to use
--write_bins An argument telling DAS_Tool whether or not to write out a new set of bins
This is recommended, because DAS_Tool can create slices of old bins based on marker composition (see the paper for details)
--search_engine diamond Specify whether to use usearch, diamond, or BLAST as the alignment tool for comparing gene sequences
-c Path to the assembly used in binning
-o Output directory for all files

When DAS_Tool has completed, we will have a final set of bins located in the folder path dastool_out/_DASTool_bins. Have a look at the output and see which bins made it to the final selection. Did a single binning tool pick the best bins, or are the results a split between MetaBAT and MaxBin?

Evaluating bins using CheckM

Now that we have our dereplicated set of bins, it is a good idea to determine estimates of their completeness (how much of the genome was recovered) and contamination (how many contigs we believe have been incorrectly assigned to the bin). For organisms that lack a reference genome there is not definitive way to do this, but the tool CheckM provides a robust estimate for these statistics by searching each of your bins for a number of highly conserved, single copy genes. The number of markers depends on whether or not you are working with bacterial (120 markers) or archaeal (122 markers) genomes, but CheckM is able to determine which set is more appropriate for each of your bins as it runs.

There are several characteristics of the CheckM marker set worth noting:

Highly conserved, single copy markers

The marker sets used in CheckM were chosen because they are present in at least 95% of bacterial/archaeal genomes, and are single copy in ≥97% genomes tested. This means that if a gene is missing from a genome, it is likely due to incompleteness in either the original assembly or the binning approach. Similarly, if a marker is observed more than once in a bin it is likely the result of over-clustering of the data.

Genes are considered as co-located clusters

Rather than test the raw presence/absence of genes in the marker sets, the genes are organised into operon-like structures where genes known to be co-located are placed together. This is advantageous for two reasons

  1. These co-located groups are distributed around the prokaryotic genome, so estimates are not biased by lucky/unlucky recovery of a gene hotspot
  2. CheckM can account for how complete each individual gene cluster is, rather than just whether or not genes are present

Lineage-specific duplications and losses can be identified

As part of determining the correct marker set to use for each bin (bacterial or archaeal), CheckM uses a set of 43 conserved prokaryotic markers to insert each bin into a guide tree to estimate the phylogeny of the bin. There are several lineages which are known to have lost particular markers, or to have acquired a additional copies, and if CheckM places a bin into one of these lineages it can adjust its completeness/contamination estimates accordingly.

This process isn't perfect, however, and we will discuss some times when you might need to create your own marker set in the next session.

We will need to run CheckM under a slurm script. This is because the tree placement process requires a large amount of memory to perform, independently of the size of your data set. A basic script for submitting a CheckM job would be as follows:

Create a new script

Create script named


Remember to update <YOUR FOLDER> to your own folder.


#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --account       nesi02659
#SBATCH --job-name      CheckM
#SBATCH --partition     milan
#SBATCH --time          00:20:00
#SBATCH --mem           50GB
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 10
#SBATCH --error         %x_%j.err
#SBATCH --output        %x_%j.out

# Load modules
module purge
module load CheckM/1.2.1-gimkl-2022a-Python-3.10.5

# Working directory
cd /nesi/nobackup/nesi02659/MGSS_U/<YOUR FOLDER>/5.binning/

# Run CheckM
checkm lineage_wf -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK --pplacer_threads $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK \
                  -x fa --tab_table -f checkm.txt \
                  dastool_out/_DASTool_bins/ checkm_out/

Submit the script as a slurm job


The breakdown of parameters is as follows

lineage_wf Specifies with mode of CheckM to run. This is the most common to use, but several others exist
-t Number of threads to use for the initial marker gene detection and clustering
--pplacer_threads Number of threads to use when inserting bins into the guide tree
-x The fastA file extension to look for in the input folder. Default is .fna
--tab_table If this parameter is present, a summary table will be written for the CheckM run
-f The name of the file for the summary
dastool/\_DASTool\_bins/ The location of the bins to test
checkm\_out/ The location to write intermediate and output files

Increasing --pplacer_threads

Increasing this parameter results in a linear increase in memory requirement - seting it to 10 means that CheckM will need about 10 times more memory than with a single thread

When your job completes, we will download the summary file and examine it.


An independent update to CheckM was made in late 2022 in the form of a new software CheckM2 (see publication). It uses machine learning to estimate completeness and contamination. Computationally, it uses less resources than CheckM and can be used on putative genomes with reduced genomes or unusual biology. Keep in mind that because both software use different methods for assessing genome completeness, the output statistics will be different (see discussion here for a case example) and it does not estimate strain heterogeneity.

If you would like to try it out, here's a script analogous to that we ran using CheckM:


#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --account       nesi02659
#SBATCH --job-name      CheckM2
#SBATCH --partition     milan
#SBATCH --time          00:20:00
#SBATCH --mem           50GB
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 10
#SBATCH --error         %x_%j.err
#SBATCH --output        %x_%j.out

# Load modules
module purge
module load CheckM2/1.0.1-Miniconda3

# Working directory
cd /nesi/nobackup/nesi02659/MGSS_U/<YOUR FOLDER>/5.binning/

checkm2 predict \
  -x .fa --input dastool_out/_DASTool_bins/ \
  --output-directory checkm2_out/

Dereplicating bins across multiple assemblies

In this workshop, we have generated a set of putative MAGs by binning scaffolds taken from a single co-assembly. Alternatively, we may have chosen to generate multiple assemblies (for example, mini-co-assemblies for each sample group, or individual assemblies for each sample). In this case, it would be necessary to work through the binning process for each assembly, and then conduct an additional dereplication step across the multiple assemblies to generate a single set of dereplicated bins for all assemblies.

This is beyond the scope of this workshop (and unnecessary here, since we are working with a single co-assembly). For future reference for your own work, further information about how to dereplicate bins and viral contigs across multiple assemblies via dRep and dedupe has been provided as an appendix here.