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CAZy heatmaps

Build a basic heatmap from annotation data using R

To get started, if you're not already, log back in to NeSI's Jupyter hub and open RStudio.

For this exercise, set 11.data_presentation/cazy_heatmap/ as the working directory. These annotation files we will be using have been pre-computed by annotating the prodigal gene predictions against the CAZy database using the dbCAN resource. Briefly, each annotation was made by:

  1. Annotating each prodigal output against the dbCAN database using hmmer
  2. Converting the raw hmmer output into a table using the script that bundles with dbCAN

Import the data into an R data.frame

The first thing we need to do is import these annotations into R. We will do this using the following workflow

  1. Import tidyverse libraries for manipulating data tables
  2. Create an empty data.frame (master data.frame)
  3. Importing each of the text file into an R, then
    • Append a new column to the text file, consisting of the name of the bin
    • Select only the bin name and gene annotation from the imported table
    • Append the text table to the master data.frame

First, we import our R libraries with the library() command. For this workflow, we need three libraries from the tidyverse package:


setwd('/nesi/nobackup/nesi02659/MGSS_U/<YOUR FOLDER>/11.data_presentation/cazy_heatmap/')


We can then import our data using the list.files() function to loop over each text file, and the mutate, select, and pipe (%>%) functions from the dplyr library.


cazy_files <- list.files('.', pattern = ".*.domtbl")

# For each file, import it, drop unneeded columns, and add a column recording the bin name
cazy_df <- data.frame()

for( cazy_file in cazy_files ) {
    df <- read.table(cazy_file, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=F, header=F) %>% 
         mutate('Bin' = cazy_file) %>%
         select(CAZy=V1, Bin)
    cazy_df <- rbind(cazy_df, df)

We can inspect the final data.frame using the head command:



Console output

                     CAZy                 Bin
1                 AA3.hmm bin_0_parsed.domtbl
2                 AA4.hmm bin_0_parsed.domtbl
3 GT2_Glycos_transf_2.hmm bin_0_parsed.domtbl
4                 CE1.hmm bin_0_parsed.domtbl
5                GH23.hmm bin_0_parsed.domtbl
6                 GT8.hmm bin_0_parsed.domtbl

We can also confirm that we have imported all of the text files by looking at the unique entries in the Bin column:



Console output

[1] "bin_0_parsed.domtbl" "bin_1_parsed.domtbl" "bin_2_parsed.domtbl" "bin_3_parsed.domtbl"
[5] "bin_4_parsed.domtbl" "bin_5_parsed.domtbl" "bin_6_parsed.domtbl" "bin_7_parsed.domtbl"
[9] "bin_8_parsed.domtbl" "bin_9_parsed.domtbl"

We will now perform a summarising step, aggregating instances of multiple genes with the same annotation into a single count for each genome. We do this by

  • For each bin in the data frame
    • For each annotation in the bin
      • Count the number of times the annotation is observed

For the majority of cases this will probably be one, but there will be a few cases where multiple annotations have been seen.

This process is done using the group_by and tally functions from dplyr, again using pipes to pass the data between functions.


cazy_counts <- cazy_df %>% 
  group_by(Bin, CAZy) %>% 


Console output

A tibble: 402 × 3
Groups:   Bin [10]
   Bin                 CAZy          n
   <chr>               <chr>     <int>
 1 bin_0_parsed.domtbl AA3.hmm       1
 2 bin_0_parsed.domtbl AA4.hmm       1
 3 bin_0_parsed.domtbl AA6.hmm       2
 4 bin_0_parsed.domtbl CBM12.hmm     1
 5 bin_0_parsed.domtbl CBM50.hmm     2
 6 bin_0_parsed.domtbl CBM78.hmm     2
 7 bin_0_parsed.domtbl CE1.hmm       3
 8 bin_0_parsed.domtbl CE11.hmm      1
 9 bin_0_parsed.domtbl CE3.hmm       1
10 bin_0_parsed.domtbl CE4.hmm       1
… with 392 more rows

We now have a data.frame-like object (a tibble) with three columns. We can convert this into a gene matrix using the pivot_wider function from the tidyr library to create a genome x gene matrix in the following form:

Bin CAZy_1 CAZy_2 ... CAZy_n
bin_0 N. of genes N. of genes ... N. of genes
bin_1 N. of genes ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...
bin_9 N. of genes ... ... ...


cazy_matrix <- cazy_counts %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols=Bin, names_from=CAZy, values_from=n, values_fill=list(n = 0))

Build the plot in R

Finally, we create the actual plot by passing this matrix into the pheatmap library. Before doing this, we need to take the text column Bin from the matrix and move it into the rownames, as this is how pheatmap infers the names of our samples. Also, if we left text data in the numeric input for a heatmap, the function would crash. We can quickly transfer the Bin column to the rownames using the column_to_rownames function from the tibble library.



colours <- colorRampPalette(c("#fff9e7","#920000"), space="Lab")(100)

png(file = "ex15_CAZy_heatmap.bmp", width = 1200 * 2, height = 250 * 2, units = "px")
cazy_matrix %>% 
  column_to_rownames('Bin') %>% 
  as.matrix(.) %>% 
  t() %>%
  pheatmap(., col = colours, fontsize = 5)
CAZy heatmap plot


And there we go. This is a pretty basic heatmap, so there are a number of presentation issues with it. If you have time, try to do the following fixes to the heatmap by exploring the manual for pheatmap or other tidyverse and R functions.

  1. Replace the column-wise clustering with alphabetic arrangement of the gene columns
  2. Change the colour palette of the heatmap
  3. Reduce the font size in the column (gene) labels
  4. Remove the .hmm extensions from the gene names, and the .txt extensions from the bin names
  5. Add colouring to the row (bins), marking bins belonging to the same phyla