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Manual bin refinement

Preparing input files for VizBin

What is VizBin?

VizBin is a handy, GUI-based tool for creating ordinations of our binning data using the t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) algorithm to project high-dimensional data down into a 2D plot that preserves clustering information. There's a really good video on YouTube that explains how the algorithm works in high-level terms, but for our purposes you can really consider it as a similar approach to a PCA or NMDS.

On its own, VizBin takes a set of contigs and performs the t-SNE projection using compositional data. We can optionally provide it files that annotate contigs as belonging to particular bins and a file that adds coverage data to be considered when clustering. Unfortuantely, at this stage VizBin only allows a single coverage value per contig, which is not ideal. This is because VizBin only uses coverage as a means to modify the visualisation, not the ordination itself. It is possible to create your own t-SNE projection using multiple coverage values, however this is beyond the scope of today's exercise, and here we will be providing VizBin with coverage values for sample1 only.

The only required input file for VizBin is a single .fna file of the concatenated bins. An additional annotation file containing per-contig coverage values and bin IDs can also be provided. Colouring contigs by bin is a really effective way to spot areas that might need refinement.

In the interests of time today, the input files have been generated and are provided in the 6.bin_refinement/ folder:

  • all_bins.fna is a concatenation of the bins of fragmented sub-contigs (fragmented to 20k)
  • all_bins.sample1.vizbin.ann is the annotation file containing per-subcontig coverage, label (bin ID), and length values.

Contig fragments as input for VizBin

When running VizBin, it is often preferable to split long contigs into smaller pieces in order to increase the density of clustering in the t-SNE. The data we are working with today are based on our bins output by DAS_Tool in the last binning exercise, but have been further processed using the script that comes with the binning tool CONCOCT to cut long contigs into 20k fragments. When reviewing our VizBin plots and outputs, it is important to remember that here we are looking at the fragmented sub-contigs, rather than the full complete contigs (the importance of this will be clear when we are reviewing our vb_count_table.txt later in this exercise).

For future reference, and for working with your own data, a step-by-step process for generating these files from the dereplicated bins generated by DAS_Tool has been provided as an Appendix.

For this section, we will be working within 6.bin_refinement/. Let's first have a quick look at the annotation file.

Navigate to working directory

# Navigate to correct directory
cd /nesi/nobackup/nesi02659/MGSS_U/<YOUR FOLDER>/6.bin_refinement

Inspect all_bins.sample1.vizbin.ann

head -n 5 all_bins.sample1.vizbin.ann

Terminal output


This file is a comma-delimited table (csv file) that presents the information in the way that VizBin expects it. The order of rows in this file corresponds to the order of contigs in the concatenated FASTA file of our fragmented bins, all_bins.fna.

Create a few variations of the .ann file with various columns removed, in order to examine the different outputs they can generate.


cut -f2 -d ',' all_bins.sample1.vizbin.ann > all_bins.sample1.vizbin.bin_only.ann
cut -f1,2 -d ',' all_bins.sample1.vizbin.ann > all_bins.sample1.vizbin.no_length.ann

Projecting a t-SNE and examining bin clusters

We can now use these files in VizBin to curate the contigs in our bins. We will load and view the data in a few different steps.

For this exercise, we will be using the Virtual Desktop on NeSI which allows us to use programmes with graphical user interfaces (GUI) within the NeSI computing environment.

Initiate the Virtual Desktop

  1. Click on File on the top left corner of the Jupyter Hub, and then select New Launcher. You can also click on the small + on the tabbed bar next to your terminal tab.
  2. Look for the Virtual Desktop icon and then click on centre of the icon.
    virtual desktop icon
  3. A new browser tab named 'TurboVNC:...' should appear and the Virtual Desktop should load.
  4. A successful instance of the Virtual Desktop should look like a desktop environment.

virtual desktop environment

Running VizBin: local vs remote

Running VizBin remotely (e.g. within NeSI) can be slow with full data sets. Running a GUI (such as a program like VizBin) remotely can also require additional set up on some PCs. For day-to-day work, we recommend installing VizBin on your local machine and downloading the relevant input files (e.g. via scp ...) to run locally.

Initiate VizBin within the Virtual Desktop environment

  1. In the Virtual Desktop, click on the terminal icon.

    terminal emulator

  2. VizBin is a Java programme, therefore we will need to load the Java module for it to work. In the terminal, type the following to load the Java module

    Copy/paste in the Virtual Desktop

    You will not be able to copy text from outside the Virtual Desktop and paste into the Virtual Desktop, in which case you will need to manually type these commands.


    module load Java/17
  3. In the terminal, navigate to your directory where the Java file resides

    Remember to replace YOUR FOLDER with your user name.


    cd /nesi/nobackup/nesi02659/MGSS_U/<YOUR FOLDER>/6.bin_refinement/

    Terminal output

    all_bins.fna  all_bins.sample1.vizbin.ann  VizBin-dist.jar  vizbin_example_exports
  4. Type the following into your Virtual Desktop terminal to initiate VizBin.


    java -jar VizBin-dist.jar
  5. A successful launch of VizBin will look like the following:

    vizbin launch

Load input files

Once VizBin is open, to get started, click the 'Choose...' button then navigate to the FASTA file all_bins.fna.

VizBin directory

It is likely that when we click on the 'Choose...' button, the directory that is open will be our NeSI home directory. In that case, we can type in the input FASTA file in the 'File Name' bar: /nesi/nobackup/nesi02659/MGSS_U/<YOUR FOLDER>/6.bin_refinement/all_bins.fna


Once this is imported, use the 'Show additional options' button to expose the advanced options, and add your 'bin only' .ann file into the 'Annotation file (optional)' field.


Executing the t-SNE

For now leave all other parameters as default. Click the 'Start' button to begin building the ordination. When it completes, you should see an output similar to the following:

Contigs coloured by bin


Additional annotations by length and coverage

If you input all_bins.sample1.vizbin.ann as your annotation file, you can see that the visualisation takes contig length (represented by point size) and coverage (represented by opacity) into account.


Similar to other projection techniques, we interpret the closeness of points as a proxy for how similar they are, and because of our .ann file we can see which contigs belong to the same bin.

Picking refined bins

We can use the interactive GUI to pick the boundaries of new bins, or to identify contigs which we do not believe should be retained in the data. Have a play around with the interface, testing out the following commands:

  1. Left-click and drag: Highlight an area of the ordination to zoom into
  2. Right-click, 'Zoom Out', 'Both Axes': Rest of the view
  3. Left-click several points: Create a selection of contigs to extract from the data
  4. Right-click, 'Selection', 'Export': Save the selected contigs into a new file
  5. Right-click, 'Selection', 'Clear selection': Clear the current selection

How you proceed in this stage is up to you. You can either select bins based on their boundary, and call these the refined bins. Alternatively, you could select outlier contigs and examine these in more detail to determine whether or not they were correctly placed into the bin. Which way you proceed really depends on how well the ordination resolves your bins, and it might be that both approaches are needed.

Today, we will run through an example of selecting potentially problematic (sub)contigs, and then deciding whether or not we want to filter these contigs out of our refined bins. We can use a combination of VizBin and seqmagick to remove contigs from bins where we do not trust the placement of the contig. We are aiming to reduce each bin to a trusted set of contigs.

1. Export VizBin clusters

First, for each VizBin cluster, select the area around the cluster (via multiple left-clicks around the cluster), right-click, 'Selection', 'Export'. Save this output as cluster_1.fna.

Try this for one or two clusters. In practice, we would do this for each VizBin cluster, saving each as a new cluster_n.fna file.

Highlight a cluster to zoom into


Select the cluster to export

Left-click several points around the cluster


Export the cluster

Right-click, 'Selection', 'Export'. Save the output as cluster_1.fna.


2. Export potentially problematic contigs

Select problematic contigs to examine

Zoom in, make a selection of potentially problematic contigs, and export as above.


Try this for one or two problematic contigs (or subsets of contigs). In practice, you could repeat this for all potentially problematic contigs, saving each export as a new contigs_n.fna file.


For the subsequent step using, all exported cluster files must share a common prefix (e.g. cluster...fna), and all files of problematic contigs must also share a common prefix (e.g. contigs...fna).*

(Optional) Refining and filtering problematic contigs from bins

Create a count table of counts of our problematic contigs across each bin

You'll recall that, prior running VizBin, the contigs in our bins were first cut into fragments to improve the density of the clusters in the t-SNE projection. As such, the problematic contigs we have exported from VizBin are sub-contig fragments, rather than full contigs from our bins. It is entirely possible that different fragments of the original contigs have been placed in different clusters during our VizBin analysis - including cases where most sub-contigs have clustered with the bin we expect, and a small number have been identified as "problematic" (i.e. clustered with other bins). Based on the information from these extracted problematic sub-contigs, we now have to carefully consider whether or not we want to remove the full contig from our bin data.

To do this, we will generate a table containing each exported "problematic" sub-contig, and counts of how many of its sister sub-contigs (each of the other sub-contig fragments derived from the same original parent contig) fall into each VizBin cluster.

For this exercise, a folder of the exported files from VizBin for all clusters (cluster_[1-n].fna) and problematic sub-contigs (contigs_[1-n].fna) has been provided at vizbin_example_exports/

We will input these files to the shell script to generate a count table of the exported subcontigs across each VizBin cluster (vb_count_table.txt), as well as a working list of contigs to potentially remove from our final bin data (vb_omit_contigs_tmp.txt).

For future reference, a copy of this script is available for download here.


./ -i vizbin_example_exports/

The only required input to is the path to the cluster and contigs files exported from VizBin. By default, the script looks for the prefix cluster... for the cluster file names, contig... for the files of problematic sub-contigs, and the file extension .fna for each. The arguments -s <contig_file_prefix> -c <cluster_file_prefix> -e <fasta_file_extension> can optionally be provided if your file name formats differ from the default.

View the output count table:


less vb_count_table.txt

Example excerpt:

Subcontig_ID Subcontig_vb_cluster cluster_1_count cluster_2_count cluster_3_count cluster_4_count cluster_5_count Total_count
>bin_3_NODE_81_length_109410_cov_1.136244.concoct_part_1 cluster_5 0 0 0 4 1 5
>bin_3_NODE_289_length_18049_cov_1.596107.concoct_part_0 cluster_5 0 0 0 0 1 1
>bin_3_NODE_349_length_12681_cov_1.204936.concoct_part_0 cluster_5 0 0 0 0 1 1

Note that in the case of the first contig from the excerpt above, the 'problematic' contig is only one of 5 sub-contigs, and all other 4 sub-contigs are in the expected cluster. In this case, we likely do not want to remove this contig from the bin.

Generate a list of contigs to exclude from filtering

Create a list of contigs identified from vb_count_table.txt that are not to be filtered out by seqmagick in the next step. For example, those contigs that have sub-contigs split across multiple VizBin clusters, and for which it's reasonable to actually keep the contig (such as when a flagged selected sub-contig exported from vizbin is in one unexpected cluster, but all other sub-contigs from that parent contig are in the expected cluster; in this case, you likely don't want to filter out the parent contig from the data set moving forward).

Below is an example. Simply replace the contig IDs between the quotes for as many lines as necessary for your data.

Write/append outputs and extracting contig ID

  1. The first line below must always have only one > character, while all subsequent lines must have two (i.e. >>) to append correctly to the list.
  2. We want the original contig ID here, not the sub-contig, so make sure to remove the .concoct_part_n fragment number at the end if there is one.


echo "bin_3_NODE_81_length_109410_cov_1.136244" > vb_keep_contigs.txt

Create final vb_omit_contigs_filtered.txt list of contigs to filter from bins

Using grep, filter contigs we wish to keep (after assessing vb_count_table.txt) out of the working vb_omit_contigs_tmp.txt list.

This creates vb_omit_contigs_filtered.txt, which we will then pass to seqmagick to filter these contigs out of our actual bin FASTA files.


grep -v -f vb_keep_contigs.txt vb_omit_contigs_tmp.txt > vb_omit_contigs_filtered.txt

Filter suspect contigs (based on VizBin analysis) from the bin data

Use seqmagick --exclude-from-file ... to filter problematic contigs (those contigs listed in vb_omit_contigs_filtered.txt) out of the initial unchopped bin FASTA files, generating final bins for downstream processing.


mkdir filtered_bins/

# Load seqmagick
module purge
module load seqmagick/0.8.4-gimkl-2020a-Python-3.8.2

# filter problematic contigs out of original bin files
for bin_file in example_data_unchopped/*.fna; do
    bin_name=$(basename ${bin_file} .fna)
    seqmagick convert --exclude-from-file vb_omit_contigs_filtered.txt ${bin_file} filtered_bins/${bin_name}.filtered.fna

Our filtered bins for downstream use are now in filtered_bins/

(Optional) Comparing pre- and post-filtered bins via CheckM

The end goal of this process is the generation of a final set of refined bins. Following this, the CheckM procedure should be re-run, this time on the refined filtered_bins/. This provides CheckM metrics for the final actual (filtered) bin set, and also an opportunity to compare between pre- and post-filtering to see if the VizBin bin refinement steps have, for example, improved the degree of contamination in the bins.

For this exercise, a copy of the output from running CheckM on the filtered_bins/ is available at 6.bin_refinement/filtered_bins_checkm.txt. View the previous CheckM output and the filtered bins output to compare via cat.


cat filtered_bins_checkm.txt 

Content of filtered_bins_checkm.txt

Bin Id Marker lineage # genomes # markers # marker sets 0 1 2 3 4 5+ Completeness Contamination Strain heterogeneity
bin_0.filtered k__Bacteria (UID3060) 138 338 246 1 327 9 1 0 0 99.59 3.79 0.00
bin_1.filtered k__Bacteria (UID3060) 138 338 246 1 336 1 0 0 0 99.59 0.41 0.00
bin_2.filtered g__Staphylococcus (UID301) 45 940 178 20 918 2 0 0 0 98.32 0.11 0.00
bin_3.filtered c__Betaproteobacteria (UID3959) 235 414 211 1 408 5 0 0 0 99.97 0.90 0.00
bin_4.filtered c__Deltaproteobacteria (UID3218) 61 284 169 10 274 0 0 0 0 94.08 0.00 0.00
bin_5.filtered o__Pseudomonadales (UID4488) 185 813 308 25 787 1 0 0 0 96.87 0.11 0.00
bin_6.filtered k__Bacteria (UID2565) 2921 149 91 11 136 2 0 0 0 90.66 0.61 0.00
bin_7.filtered p__Cyanobacteria (UID2143) 129 471 367 0 470 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.14 0.00
bin_8.filtered f__Bradyrhizobiaceae (UID3695) 47 693 296 3 690 0 0 0 0 99.47 0.00 0.00
bin_9.filtered g__Vibrio (UID4878) 67 1130 369 4 1125 1 0 0 0 99.46 0.03 0.00


cat ../5.binning/checkm.txt 

Content of checkm.txt

Bin Id Marker lineage # genomes # markers # marker sets 0 1 2 3 4 5+ Completeness Contamination Strain heterogeneity
maxbin.001.fasta k__Bacteria (UID3060) 138 338 246 1 327 9 1 0 0 99.59 3.79 0.00
maxbin.002.fasta k__Bacteria (UID3060) 138 338 246 1 336 1 0 0 0 99.59 0.41 0.00
metabat.10_sub g__Staphylococcus (UID301) 45 940 178 20 918 2 0 0 0 98.32 0.11 0.00
metabat.11 c__Betaproteobacteria (UID3959) 235 414 211 1 408 5 0 0 0 99.97 0.90 0.00
metabat.12 c__Deltaproteobacteria (UID3218) 61 284 169 10 274 0 0 0 0 94.08 0.00 0.00
metabat.2 o__Pseudomonadales (UID4488) 185 813 308 25 787 1 0 0 0 96.87 0.11 0.00
metabat.3_sub k__Bacteria (UID2565) 2921 149 91 11 136 2 0 0 0 90.66 0.61 0.00
metabat.4 p__Cyanobacteria (UID2143) 129 471 367 0 470 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.14 0.00
metabat.5 f__Bradyrhizobiaceae (UID3695) 47 693 296 3 690 0 0 0 0 99.47 0.00 0.00
metabat.7 g__Vibrio (UID4878) 67 1130 369 4 1125 1 0 0 0 99.46 0.03 0.00

An example of an updated slurm script to run CheckM on the filtered_bins/ is as follows:


#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --account       nesi02659
#SBATCH --job-name      checkm_refined_bins
#SBATCH --partition     milan
#SBATCH --time          00:20:00
#SBATCH --mem           50GB
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 10
#SBATCH --error         %x_%j.err
#SBATCH --output        %x_%j.out

module purge
module load CheckM/1.2.1-gimkl-2022a-Python-3.10.5

cd /nesi/nobackup/nesi02659/MGSS_U/<YOUR FOLDER>/6.bin_refinement/

checkm lineage_wf -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK --pplacer_threads $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -x fna \
                  --tab_table -f filtered_bins_checkm.txt \
                  filtered_bins/ filtered_bins_checkm_out/

The data you have been working with was created using the script that comes with the binning tool CONCOCT. It was run to cut contigs into 20k fragments, to better add density to the cluster. If you would like to visualise the data using different contig fragment sizes, you can create these using the following commands (replace YOUR_CONTIG_SIZE with the size of interest, e.g. 10000):


module purge
module load CONCOCT/1.0.0-gimkl-2018b-Python-2.7.16

mkdir custom_chop/

# Fragment contigs within each bin, outputting to custom_chop/
for bin_file in example_data_unchopped/*;
    bin_name=$(basename ${bin_file} .fna) -c YOUR_CONTIG_SIZE -o 0 --merge_last ${bin_file} > custom_chop/${bin_name}.chopped.fna

# Concatenate the chopped bins into single .fna
cat custom_chop/*.fna > all_bins_custom_chop.fna

You can open all_bins_custom_chop.fna in VizBin to view the clustering with this new fragmentation threshold.

If you wish to also provide an annotation file to colour by bin, this can be generated with the following:


# Set up annotation file headers
echo "label" > custom_chop.vizbin.ann

# loop through custom_chop .fna files
for bin_file in custom_chop/*.fna; do
    # extract bin ID
    binID=$(basename ${bin_file} .fna)
    # loop through each sequence header in bin_file, adding binID to custom_chop.vizbin.ann for each header present
    for header in `grep ">" ${bin_file}`; do
        # Add binID to vizbin.ann for each header present
        echo "${binID}" >> custom_chop.vizbin.ann

If you wish to generate the full annotation file, including coverage and length values, you will need to go through the process outlined in the Appendix for this exercise.

(Optional) Scripts for processing data with ESOMana

A suite of tools for creating input files for ESOMana can be found on github here.

The tool ESOMana can be downloaded from SourceForge.