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5. Preview : Automating File-Processing with find and xargs

This section will be moved to "Advanced Shell for BioInformaitcs"

In this section, we’ll learn about a more powerful way to specify files matching some criteria using Unix find. We’ll also see how files printed by find can be passed to another tool called xargs to create powerful Unix-based processing workflows.

Suppose you have a program named analyse_fastq that takes multiple filenames through a standard process. If you wanted to run this program on all files with the suffix .fastq, you might run:

ls *.fastq | analyse_fastq


Your shell expands this wildcard to all matching files in the current directory, and ls prints these filenames. Unfortunately, this leads to a common complication that makes ls and wildcards a fragile solution. Suppose your directory contains a filename called treatment 03.fastq. In this case, ls returns treatment 03.fastq along with other files. However, because files are separated by spaces, and this file contains a space, analyse_fastq will interpret treatment 03.fastq as two separate files, named treatment and 03.fastq. This problem crops up periodically in different ways, and it’s necessary to be aware of when writing file-processing pipelines. Note that this does not occur with file "globbing" in arguments—if analyse_fastq takes multiple files as arguments, your shell handles this properly:

Note that this does not occur with file globbing in arguments—if analyse_fastq takes multiple files as arguments, your shell handles this properly:

analyse_fastq *.fastq
Here, shell automatically escapes the space in the filename treatment 03.fastq, so analyse_fastq will correctly receive the arguments treatment-02.fastq, treatment-03.fastq,. The potential problem here is that there’s a limit to the number of files that can be specified as arguments. The limit is high, but you can reach it with NGS data. In this case you may get a meassage: : cannot execute [Argument list too long]


Bash does not support native regular expressions like some other standard programming languages. The Bash shell feature that is used for matching or expanding specific types of patterns is called globbing. Globbing is mainly used to match filenames or searching for content in a file. Globbing uses wildcard characters to create the pattern. The most common wildcard characters that are used for creating globbing patterns are described below.

  1. Question mark – (?)

    • ? is used to match any single character. You can use ‘?’ for multiple times for matching multiple characters.
  2. Asterisk – (*)

    • * is used to match zero or more characters. If you have less information to search any file or information then you can use ‘*’ in globbing pattern.
  3. Square Bracket – ([])

    • [] is used to match the character from the range. Some of the mostly used range declarations are mentioned below.
  4. Caret – (^)

    • You can use ^ with square bracket to define globbing pattern more specifically. ^ can be used inside or outside of square bracket. ^ is used outside the square bracket to search those contents of the file that starts with a given range of characters. ^is used inside the square bracket to show all content of the file by highlighting the lines start with a given range of characters .


Solution to both of the above problems is through find and xargs, as we will see in the following sections.

Finding files with find

Basic syntax for find is

find path expression


  • Path specifies the starting directory for search. Expressions are how we describe which files we want to find to return
  • Unlike ls, findis recursive (it will search through the directory structure). In fact, running find on a directory (without other arguments) is a quick way to see it’s structure, e.g.,

    find /nesi/project/nesi02659/| head
    find: /nesi/project/nesi02659/
    ‘/nesi/project/nesi02659/.jupyter/share/jupyter/nbconvert/templates’: Permission denied

  • Try the same command with -maxdepth 1 .i.e.

    find /nesi/project/nesi02659/ -maxdepth 1 | head

Exercise 6.1
  1. Create a small directory system as below in your current working directory

    mkdir -p genome-project/{data/raw,scripts,results}
    touch genome-project/data/raw/bird{A,B,C}_R{1,2}.fastq
  2. Run find genome-project and examine the output

  3. Use find to print the names of all files matching the pattern “birdB*fastq” (e.g., FASTQ files from sample “B”, both read pairs):

    find genome-project/data/raw/ -name "birdB*fastq"
  4. This gives similar results to ls birdB*fastq, as we’d expect. The primary difference is that find reports results separated by new lines and, by default, find is recursive. Because we only want to return fastq files (and not directories with that matching name), we might want to limit our results using the -type option: There are numerous different types you can search for; the most commonly used are ffor files, d for directories, and l for links.

    find genome-project/data/raw/ -name "birdB*fastq" -type f
  5. By default, find connects different parts of an expression with logical AND. The find command in this case returns results where the name matches “birdB*fastq” and is a file (type “f ”). find also allows explicitly connecting different parts of an expression with different operators. If we want to get the names of all fastq files from samples A or C, we’ll use the operator -or to chain expressions:

    find genome-project/data/raw/ -name "birdA*fastq" -or -name "birdC*fastq" -type f
  6. Another way to select these files is with negation: Some bash versions will accept "!" as the flag for this where others will require -not

    find genome-project/data/raw/ -type f -not -name "birdB*fastq"
  7. Suppose you were sharing this project folder with a colleague and a file named birdB_R1-temp.fastq was created by them in genome-project/data/raw but you want to ignore it in your file querying:

    find genome-project/data/raw/ -type f -not -name "birdB*fastq" -and -not -name "*-temp*"

finds -exec: Running Commands on find’s Results

find’s real strength in bioinformatics is that it allows you to run commands on every file that is returned by find, using -exec option.

Continuing from our last example, suppose that a collaborator created numerous temporary files. Let’s emulate this (in the genome-project/data/raw/): (then ls ensure the -temp.fastq files were created)


touch genome-project/data/raw/bird{A,C}_R{1,2}-temp.fastq

Although we can delete these files with rm *-temp.fastq, using rm with a wildcard in a directory filled with important data files is too risky. Using find’s -exec is a much safer way to delete these files.

For example, let’s use find -exec and rm to delete these temporary files:


find genome-project/data/raw/ -name "*-temp.fastq" -exec rm {} \;

Notice the (required!) semicolumn and curly brackets at the end of the command! . In one line, we’re able to pragmatically identify and execute a command on files that match a certain pattern. With find and -exec, a daunting task like processing a directory of 100,000 text files with a program is simple.

In general, find -exec is most appropriate for quick, simple tasks (like deleting files, changing permissions, etc.). For larger tasks, xargs is a better choice.


xargs reads data from standard input (stdin) and executes the command (supplied to it as an argument) one or more times based on the input read. Any spaces, tabs, and newlines in the input are treated as delimiters, while blank lines are ignored. If no command is specified, xargs executes echo. (Notice, that echo by itself does not read from standard input!)

xargs allows us to take input from standard in, and use this input as arguments to another program, which allows us to build commands programmatically. Using find with xargs is much like find -exec, but with some added advantages that make xargs a better choice for larger tasks.

Let’s re-create our -temp.fastq files: .i.e Make sure to run ls after the touch command to verify the files were created.


touch genome-project/data/raw/bird{A,C}_R{1,2}-temp.fastq

xargs works by taking input from standard in and splitting it by spaces, tabs, and newlines into arguments. Then, these arguments are passed to the command supplied. For example, to emulate the behavior of find -exec with rm, we use xargs with rm:


find genome-project/data/raw -name "*-temp.fastq" | xargs rm

One big benefit of xargs is that it separates the process that specifies the files to operate on (find) from applying a command to these files (through xargs). If we wanted to inspect a long list of files find returns before running rm on all files in this list, we could use:


touch genome-project/data/raw/bird{A,C}_R{1,2}-temp.fastq
find genome-project/data/raw/ -name "*-temp.fastq" > ohno_filestodelete.txt
cat ohno_filestodelete.txt
cat ohno_filestodelete.txt  | xargs rm

Using xargs with Replacement Strings to Apply Commands to Files

In addition to adding arguments at the end of the command, xargs can place them in predefined positions. This is done with the -I option and a placeholder string ({}). Suppose an imaginary program fastq_stat takes an input file through the option –in, gathers FASTQ statistics information, and then writes a summary to the file specified by the –out option. We may want our output filenames to be paired with our input filenames and have corresponding names. We can tackle this with find, xargs, and basename: