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4. Running PGGB

Learning objectives

Build pangenome graphs using PGGB

Getting started

NeSI HPC environment is used for the analysis. Please make sure you have a NeSI account and you are able to login.

Construct pangenome graph for the five Neisseria meningitidis genomes

Create an index for the sequence using SAMtools and check.


module purge
module load SAMtools/1.16.1-GCC-11.3.0
samtools faidx 5NM.fa

Inspect the index.


more 5NM.fa.fai


NC_003112.2     2272360 60      60  61
NC_017518.1     2248966 2310357 60  61
NZ_CP007668.1   2324822 4596878 60  61
NZ_CP016880.1   2207174 6960511 60  61
NZ_CP020423.2   2244886 9204558 60  61

Running PGGB

Use mash triangle to check the pairwise identity of the input genomes, which will give us some idea how to set -p


module purge
module load Mash/2.3-GCC-11.3.0
mash triangle 5NM.fa > 5NM.fa_mash

  • Inspect the output
    more 5NM.fa_mash
NC_017518.1     0.0152404
NZ_CP007668.1   0.0149234       0.00635099
NZ_CP016880.1   0.0178909       0.0171265       0.0170111
NZ_CP020423.2   0.0190552       0.0194352       0.0185579       0.0106974

The lower triangle represents the pairwise distances between the 5NM genomes. We can observe that the largest paired distance is 0.0190552, which is approximately 0.02. Considering that lower values indicate better alignment, we are going to use an alignment threshold of -p 94 for constructing the pangenome graph.

Please keep in mind that for each dataset, we may need to test different settings to find a relatively good setting.

Executing pggb


module purge
module load pggb/0.5.3-Miniconda3
  • Execute pggb --help to check the command list of PGGB.
    pggb --help
ERROR: mandatory arguments -i and -n
ERROR: -n must be greater than or equal to 2
usage: /usr/local/bin/pggb -i <input-fasta> -n <n-haplotypes> [options]
    -i, --input-fasta FILE      input FASTA/FASTQ file
    -s, --segment-length N      segment length for mapping [default: 5000]
    -l, --block-length N        minimum block length filter for mapping [default: 5*segment-length]
    -p, --map-pct-id PCT        percent identity for mapping/alignment [default: 90]
    -n, --n-haplotypes N        number of haplotypes
    -N, --no-split              disable splitting of input sequences during mapping [default: enabled]
    -x, --sparse-map N          keep this fraction of mappings ('auto' for giant component heuristic) [default: 1.0]
    -K, --mash-kmer N           kmer size for mapping [default: 19]
    -F, --mash-kmer-thres N     ignore the top % most-frequent kmers [default: 0.001]
    -Y, --exclude-delim C       skip mappings between sequences with the same name prefix before
                                the given delimiter character [default: all-vs-all and !self]
    -k, --min-match-len N       filter exact matches below this length [default: 19]
    -f, --sparse-factor N       keep this randomly selected fraction of input matches [default: no sparsification]
    -B, --transclose-batch      number of bp to use for transitive closure batch [default: 10000000]
    -X, --skip-normalization    do not normalize the final graph [default: normalize the graph]
    -H, --n-haplotypes-smooth N number of haplotypes, if different than that set with -n [default: -n]
    -j, --path-jump-max         maximum path jump to include in block [default: 0]
    -e, --edge-jump-max N       maximum edge jump before breaking [default: 0]
    -G, --poa-length-target N,M target sequence length for POA, one per pass [default: 700,900,1100]
    -P, --poa-params PARAMS     score parameters for POA in the form of match,mismatch,gap1,ext1,gap2,ext2
                                may also be given as presets: asm5, asm10, asm15, asm20
                                [default: 1,19,39,3,81,1 = asm5]
    -O, --poa-padding N         pad each end of each sequence in POA with N*(mean_seq_len) bp [default: 0.001]
    -d, --pad-max-depth N       depth/haplotype at which we don't pad the POA problem [default: 100]
    -b, --run-abpoa             run abPOA [default: SPOA]
    -z, --global-poa            run the POA in global mode [default: local mode]
    -M, --write-maf             write MAF output representing merged POA blocks [default: off]
    -Q, --consensus-prefix P    use this prefix for consensus path names [default: Consensus_]
    -v, --skip-viz              don't render visualizations of the graph in 1D and 2D [default: make them]
    -S, --stats                 generate statistics of the seqwish and smoothxg graph [default: off]
    -V, --vcf-spec SPEC         specify a set of VCFs to produce with SPEC = REF:DELIM[:LEN][,REF:DELIM:[LEN]]*
                                the paths matching ^REF are used as a reference, while the sample haplotypes
                                are derived from path names, e.g. when DELIM=# and with '-V chm13:#',
                                a path named HG002#1#ctg would be assigned to sample HG002 phase 1.
                                If LEN is specified and greater than 0, the VCFs are decomposed, filtering
                                sites whose max allele length is greater than LEN. [default: off]
    -m, --multiqc               generate MultiQC report of graphs' statistics and visualizations,
                                automatically runs odgi stats [default: off]
    -o, --output-dir PATH       output directory
    -D, --temp-dir PATH         directory for temporary files
    -a, --input-paf FILE        input PAF file; the wfmash alignment step is skipped
    -r, --resume                do not overwrite existing outputs in the given directory
                                [default: start pipeline from scratch]
    -t, --threads N             number of compute threads to use in parallel steps [default: 72]
    -T, --poa-threads N         number of compute threads to use during POA (set lower if you OOM during smoothing)
    -A, --keep-temp-files       keep intermediate graphs
    -Z, --compress              compress alignment (.paf), graph (.gfa, .og), and MSA (.maf) outputs with pigz,
                                and variant (.vcf) outputs with bgzip
    --version                   display the version of pggb
    -h, --help                  this text

Use wfmash, seqwish, smoothxg, odgi, gfaffix, and vg to build, project and display a pangenome graph.

Construct pangenome graph for 5NM genomes with -s 2000, -p 94, -k 19 or -k 35


module purge
module load pggb/0.5.3-Miniconda3
  • Execute pggb, set -s 2000 and -p 94

    pggb -i 5NM.fa -s 2000 -p 94 -n 5 -t 16 -S -m -o 5NM_2Kb94 -V 'NC_017518.1:#'

  • let's Execute pggb again, using the same setting -s 2000 and -p 94, but increase -k to 35

    pggb -i 5NM.fa -s 2000 -p 94 -n 5 -t 16 -S -m -k 35 -o 5NM_2Kb94_k35 -V 'NC_017518.1:#'

Extened learning: Running pggb as a Slurm Job

Please do NOT run the code below, this is an example for power users

Executing shell scripts in a HPC might not be the best way to handle larger files which will require large memory, CPU power and time. We can modify the previously explained script as below to run as Slurm job. Note the additional parameters specified by #SBATCH which will indicate maximum resource limitations.

The following is a SLURM script ( for PGGB with -s 2000 and -p 94

#!/bin/bash -e     
#SBATCH --account       nesi02659
#SBATCH --job-name      pggb_5NM
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 16
#SBATCH --mem           16G
#SBATCH --time          1:00:00
#SBATCH --error         %x_%j.err
#SBATCH --output        %x_%j.out

# Modules
module purge
module load pggb/0.5.3-Miniconda3    

# Variables
WD=~/pg_workshop #Working Directory

# Run PGGB
# 2K94
pggb -i $data -s 2000 -p 94 -n 5 -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -S -m -o $WD/5NM_2Kb94 -V 'NC_017518.1:#'

The job can be submitted using the sbatch command as follows. Take a note of the job ID for tracking the run.
