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APPENDIX (ex8): Dereplicating data from multiple assemblies


  • Understand the common issues with using dRep and CheckM
  • Use CheckM and dRep together to dereplicate a set of genomes
  • De-duplicate viral contigs using BBMap's

Using dRep and CheckM

Before we begin to use dRep, it is important to understand the workflow that it applies to a data set. The basic idea of dRep is that genomes or MAGs are processed as follows:

  1. Genomes are scored for completeness and contamination estimates using CheckM
  2. Genomes are assigned to primary clusters using a quick and rough average nucleotide identity (ANI) calculation
  3. Clusters of genomes sharing greater than 90% ANI are grouped together and ANI is calculated using a more sensitive method
  4. Where groups of genomes sharing >99% ANI are found, the best (determined by completeness and contamination statistics) is picked as a representative of the cluster

When run on its own, dRep will automatically try to run CheckM in the background. There are two problems with this approach, namely:

  1. dRep is written in version 3.6 of the python language, and the version of CheckM avaiable on NeSI is written in version 2.7. These are not compatible with each other
  2. There are two parameters in CheckM which speed up the workflow through multithreading, but dRep only has access to one of them

For these reasons, when working on NeSI we run CheckM on our data set first, and then pass the results directly into dRep, avoiding the need for dRep to try to call CheckM.

Use CheckM and dRep together to dereplicate a set of MAGs

For this exercise, we will be working with a different set of MAGs to the mock community, as there is not enough strain-level variation in the mock metagenome for dRep to actually remove any MAGs.

We will write a single slurm script to run all necessary commands, then analyse the content.


#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --account       nesi02659
#SBATCH --job-name      checkm_drep
#SBATCH --partition     milan
#SBATCH --time          30:00
#SBATCH --mem           80GB
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 16
#SBATCH --error         %x_%j.err
#SBATCH --output        %x_%j.out

cd /nesi/nobackup/nesi02659/MGSS_U/<YOUR FOLDER>/12.drep_example/

# Step 1
module purge
module load CheckM/1.2.1-gimkl-2022a-Python-3.10.5
checkm lineage_wf -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK \
                  --pplacer_threads $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK \
                  -x fa --tab_table -f checkm.txt \
                  input_bins/ checkm_out/

# Step 2
echo "genome,completeness,contamination" > dRep.genomeInfo
cut -f1,12,13 checkm.txt \
  | sed 's/\t/.fa\t/' \
  | sed 's/\t/,/g' \
  | tail -n+2 >> dRep.genomeInfo

# Step 3
module purge
module load drep/2.3.2-gimkl-2018b-Python-3.7.3

dRep dereplicate --genomeInfo dRep.genomeInfo \
                 -g input_bins/*.fa \
                 -p $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK \

Walking through this script, step by step, we are performing the following tasks:

Step 1

This should look familiar to you. Here we are simply loading CheckM, then running it over a set of MAGs to get the completeness and contamination estimates for our data.

Step 2

When running dRep, we have the option to either let dRep execute CheckM in the background, or we can pass a comma-separated file of the MAG name and its statistics. Unfortunately, dRep does not take the CheckM output itself, so we must use some shell commands to reformat the data. To achieve this, we use the following steps:


echo "genome,completeness,contamination" > dRep.genomeInfo

This line creates the header row for the dRep file, which we are calling dRep.genomeInfo.


cut -f1,12,13 checkm.txt | sed 's/\t/.fa\t/' | sed 's/\t/,/g' | tail -n+2 >> dRep.genomeInfo

This line cuts the columns 1, 12, and 13 from the CheckM output table, which correspond to the MAG name and completeness/contamination estimates. We then redirect these columns using the | character and use them as input in a sed command. Because CheckM reports our MAG names without their FASTA file extension, but dRep requires the extension to be present in the MAG name, we add the trailing .fa with our sed command. This also gives us an opportunity to replace the tab-delimiting character from the CheckM output with the comma character that dRep uses for marking columns in the table. We then pass the output into a second sed command to replace the tab between columns 12 and 13 with a comma.

We then use another redirect (|) to pass the resulting text stream to the tail command. The way we are calling tail here will return every row in the text stream except for the first, which means that we are getting all the MAG rows but not their column names. We remove these names because `dRep uses a different naming convention for specifying columns.

We append the MAG statistics to the end of the dRep.genomeInfo file, which contains the correct column names for dRep.

Step 3

Here we simply load the modules required for dRep, then execute the command. Because of the compatibility issues between the python version required by CheckM and dRep, we use the module purge command to unload all current modules before loading dRep. This removes the CheckM library, and its python2.7 dependency, allowing the dRep and python3.6 to load correctly.

The parameters for dRep are as follows:

Parameter Function
dereplicate Activate the dereplicate workflow from dRep
--genomeInfo Skip quality checking via CheckM, instead use the values in the table provided
-g List of MAGs to dereplicate, passed by wildcard
-p Number of processors to use
drep_output/ Output folder for all outputs

When dRep finishes running, there are a few useful outputs to examine:


drep_output/dereplicated_genomes/   # The representative set of MAGs
drep_output/figures/                # Dendrograms to visualise the clustering of genomes
drep_output/data_tables/            # The primary and secondary clustering of the MAGs, and scoring information

De-duplicate viral contigs using BBMap's

Part of the process for dRep includes measures specific to prokaryotes. Hence, the above approach will not be appropriate for dereplicating viral contigs derived from different assemblies. from the BBMap suite of tools is one alternative to achieve a similar process for these data. takes a comma separated list of assembly FASTA files as input, and filters out any contigs that are either full duplicates of another contig, or fully contained within another (longer) contig (i.e. matching alignment within another longer contig). minidentity=... sets the minimum identity threshold, and out=... results in a single deduplicated set of contigs as output.

An example of how might be run on multiple FASTA files of assembled viral contigs (e.g. those output by tools such as VIBRANT or VirSorter) is as follows:


cd /path/to/viral/contigs/from/multiple/assemblies/
mkdir -p dedupe

# load BBMap
module load BBMap/39.01-GCC-11.3.0

# Set infiles

# Run main analyses threads=1 in=${infiles} \
  minidentity=98 exact=f sort=length mergenames=t mergedelimiter=___ overwrite=t \

Note will dereplicate contigs that are duplicates or are fully contained by another contig, but unfortunately not those that share a partial overlap (i.e. sharing an overlapping region, but with non-overlapping sections hanging off the ends). does include the functionality to cluster these contigs together (via c and mo) and output as separate FASTA files, but not to then merge these sequences together into a single representative (this appears to have been a "to do" item for a number of years). One option in this case could be to develop a method that: outputs all of the clusters, aligns sequences within each cluster, generates a consensus sequence from the alignment (i.e. effectively performing new mini-assemblies on each of the clusters of overlapping contigs), and then adds this back to the deduplicated FASTA output from (n.b. this is unfortunately a less trivial process than it sounds...).