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Configuring your run


  • Understand the different parts of a run command
  • Learn how to customise a run command
  • Learn how to use a parameter file and configuration files to customise a run command

Where to start

A recommended run command can be found for each pipeline on the nf-core website and is a useful starting point for customising a run command:

nextflow run nf-core/sarek --input samplesheet.csv --genome GATK.GRCh38 -profile docker

From here, the command can be customised to suit your needs. The following sections will describe the different components of the command and how they can be customised.

In this example, the same small test data files that are used in the test profile will be used to demonstrate how to create you own sample sheet. However, you will be writing the files rather than relying on the test profile. The same concepts will apply to data on your local storage.

Input (--input)

The Sarek pipeline requires a samplesheet as an input parameter. This is a csv file that contains information about the samples that will be processed. The samplesheet is used to specify the location of the input data, the sample name, and additional metadata.

A samplesheet is created manually and can be stored anywhere on your computer. The samplesheet can be named anything you like, but it must be specified using the --input flag.

More information about how to structure a samplesheet for Sarek can be found in the usage documentation.

Note how Sarek can accept different data types as inputs and how the samplesheet is different for each.


Use the usage documentation to create samplesheet.csv in your working directory. It must include the following data in the required format:


Your csv file should look like the following:


Reference data (--genome)

Many nf-core pipelines need a reference genome for alignment, annotation, or similar.

To make the use of reference genomes easier, Illumina developed a centralised resource called iGenomes where the most commonly used reference genome files are organised in a consistent structure.

nf-core have uploaded a copy of iGenomes onto AWS S3 and nf-core pipelines are configured to use this by default. All AWS iGenomes paths are specified in pipelines that support them in conf/igenomes.config. By default, the pipeline will automatically download the required reference files when you it is executed with an appropriate genome key (e.g., --genome GRCh37). The pipeline will only download what it requires.

Downloading reference genome files takes time and bandwidth so, if possible, it is recommend that you download a local copy of your relevant iGenomes references and configure your execution to use the local version.

When executing Sarek with common genomes, such as GRCh38 and GRCh37, iGenomes is shipped with the necessary reference files. However, depending on your deployment, it is sometimes necessary to use custom references for some or all files. Specific details for different deployment situations are described in the usage documentation.

The small test fastq.gz files in the samplesheet created above would throw errors if it was run with a full size reference genome from iGenomes. Instead, smaller files from the nf-core test datasets repository need to be used. As these files are not included in iGenomes they must be specified manually using parameters.

The following parameters can be used to specify the required reference/annotation files for the small test data files:

    --igenomes_ignore \
    --dbsnp "" \
    --fasta "" \
    --germline_resource "" \
    --intervals "" \
    --known_indels "" \
    --snpeff_db 105 \
    --snpeff_genome "WBcel235" \
    --snpeff_version "5.1" \
    --vep_cache_version "106" \
    --vep_genome "WBcel235" \
    --vep_species "caenorhabditis_elegans" \
    --vep_version "106.1" \
    --max_cpus 2 \
    --max_memory 6.5GB \
    --tools "freebayes" \
    --outdir "my_results"


The --tools parameter is included above to trigger the execution of the freebayes variant caller. Multiple variant callers are available as a part of Sarek, however, in this example, only one is included.


The --igenomes_ignore parameter must be included when using custom reference/annotation files. Without it, by default, the reference/annotation files that are typically required by Sarek are downloaded for GATK.GRCh38. Some pipelines have this feature by default while others require the genome flag (or alternate) for every execution.

Profiles (--profile)

Software profiles are used to specify the software environment in which the pipeline will be executed. By simply including a profile (e.g., singularity), Nextflow will download, store, and manage the software used in the Sarek pipeline.

To ensure reproducibility, it is recommended that you use container technology, e.g., docker or singularity.

Putting it all together

The previous sections have shown different parts of a recommended run command. These can be combined to create a custom run command that will execute Sarek on the small test data files.

The completed run command will execute a small test set of files using the freebayes variant caller. The command will use the small test data files from the nf-core test datasets repository and custom reference/annotation files that are hosted on github.


Use all of the information above to build a custom run command that will execute version 3.2.3 of Sarek on the samplesheet you created.


Include the sample sheet you made earlier with --input samplesheet.csv. Remember is must be in your working directory or you must specify the full or relative path to the file. If you named your samplesheet differently it must be reflected in your command.

Include the parameters shown above to specify the reference/annotation files. You can copy these directly into your run command.

Use Singularity to manage your software with -profile singularity.


Your run command should look like the following:

nextflow run nf-core/sarek \
    --input samplesheet.csv \
    --igenomes_ignore \
    --dbsnp "" \
    --fasta "" \
    --germline_resource "" \
    --intervals "" \
    --known_indels "" \
    --snpeff_db 105 \
    --snpeff_genome "WBcel235" \
    --snpeff_version "5.1" \
    --vep_cache_version "106" \
    --vep_genome "WBcel235" \
    --vep_species "caenorhabditis_elegans" \
    --vep_version "106.1" \
    --max_cpus 2 \
    --max_memory 6.5GB \
    --tools "freebayes" \
    --outdir "my_results" \
    -profile singularity \
    -r 3.2.3

If everything has worked - you will see the pipeline launching in your terminal 🚀

Key points

  • Sarek comes with a test profiles that can be used to test the pipeline on your infrastructure
  • Sample sheets are csv files that contain important meta data and the paths to your files
  • Reference files are available from iGenomes