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4.2 - Prediction with prodigal


  • Teaching: 10 minutes
  • Exercises: 15 minutes

Objectives and Key points


  • Understand how to run prodigal for predicting protein coding regions in prokaryotic genomes


  • Selecting the correct prediction mode (genome or metagenome), and translation table is key to getting good outputs.
  • prodigal reports output in several formats - you do not need all of the output files, but know which ones you want to keep and why.

Getting started and loading the tool

We are going to be predicting protein coding sequences in a reference M. bovis genome using the tool prodigal (Hyatt et al., 2010). This is a powerful prediction tool which is quick to run, and flexible enough for most projects.

Navigate to the /nesi/project/nesi03181/phel/USERNAME/level2/annotation_prodigal/ directory and prepare to run prodigal.


Use your knowledge of slurm to find and load the more current version of prodigal available on NeSI. Once loaded, run with the help paramter (-h) to confirm that the module has successfully loaded.



# One of the following:
module spider prodigal

module avail prodigal

# Load and confirm
module purge
module load prodigal/2.6.3-GCCcore-7.4.0

prodigal -h
Usage:  prodigal [-a trans_file] [-c] [-d nuc_file] [-f output_type]
                [-g tr_table] [-h] [-i input_file] [-m] [-n] [-o output_file]
                [-p mode] [-q] [-s start_file] [-t training_file] [-v]

        -a:  Write protein translations to the selected file.
        -c:  Closed ends.  Do not allow genes to run off edges.
        -d:  Write nucleotide sequences of genes to the selected file.
        -f:  Select output format (gbk, gff, or sco).  Default is gbk.
        -g:  Specify a translation table to use (default 11).
        -h:  Print help menu and exit.
        -i:  Specify FASTA/Genbank input file (default reads from stdin).
        -m:  Treat runs of N as masked sequence; don't build genes across them.
        -n:  Bypass Shine-Dalgarno trainer and force a full motif scan.
        -o:  Specify output file (default writes to stdout).
        -p:  Select procedure (single or meta).  Default is single.
        -q:  Run quietly (suppress normal stderr output).
        -s:  Write all potential genes (with scores) to the selected file.
        -t:  Write a training file (if none exists); otherwise, read and use
            the specified training file.
        -v:  Print version number and exit.

There are quite a few options given here, which we can split into input and output parameters.

Input parameters

Parameter Function
-i Specify FASTA/Genbank input file (default reads from stdin).
-p Select procedure (single or meta). Default is single.
-g Specify a translation table to use (default 11).

The first parameter here should be obvious, so will not be discussed.

The -p parameter is an important one to pay attention to, as it determines whether or not we are predicting sequences in an single genome (i.e. a genome obtained from a pure culture) or a metagenomic mix of sequences. In single mode prediction goes through a round of training against the input sequences before producing a prediction output tailored to your contigs. The meta mode uses pre-calculated profiles of gene features. Strictly speaking it is possible to run meta mode on an isolate genome, or single mode on a metagenome but the results do differ.

Selecting the translation table (-g) is something we usually do not need to wory about. prodigal supports numbers 1 through 25 of the NCBI genetic codes. By default, it will start with code 11 (bacteria, archaea, and plastids) but shift to code 4 if the predictions are too short. This is important to us because genetic code 4 corresponds to the Mycoplasmataceae - the bacterial family that contains the genera Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma, and the family Spiroplasmataceae. These lineages have repurposed UGA from a stop codon to a tryptophan codon.

Output parameters

Parameter Function
-a Write protein translations to the selected file.
-d Write nucleotide sequences of genes to the selected file.
-o Specify output file (default writes to stdout).
-f Select output format. Default is gbk.

Three of these capture the prediction information in commonly used formats. The output of -d and -a are simply fasta format, and the -o (or stdout) output are in GenBank format. This is really the same information reported in multiple different ways, but the different files have different uses so it's recommended to take a few of them.

At the very least, we should be capturing either -d and -a, or -o to get the full prediction. It is helpful to have both the nucleotide and protein sequence of a coding region, as the different annotation techniques can be applied to each one, and certain methods of phylogenetic analysis favour one sequence type over the other.

Predicting protein coding regions

One of the nice features of prodigal is that it does not take a lot of resources to run, so we can easily run it without resorting to slurm for a single genome.


prodigal -p single -g 4 -i input/M_bovis.NZ_CP005933.fna \
    -d outputs/ \
    -a outputs/ \
    -o outputs/
PRODIGAL v2.6.3 [February, 2016]         
Univ of Tenn / Oak Ridge National Lab
Doug Hyatt, Loren Hauser, et al.     
Request:  Single Genome, Phase:  Training
Reading in the sequence(s) to train...948516 bp seq created, 29.29 pct GC
Locating all potential starts and stops...30752 nodes
Looking for GC bias in different frames...frame bias scores: 2.38 0.43 0.19
Building initial set of genes to train from...done!
Creating coding model and scoring nodes...done!
Examining upstream regions and training starts...done!
Request:  Single Genome, Phase:  Gene Finding
Finding genes in sequence #1 (948516 bp)...done!

Which value of -g are we using?

As mentioned above, for most cases the standard genetic code is the correct starting place, but we are working with an M. bovis sequence, which uses translation table 4.

This will only take a few seconds to complete. Once done, we can quickly see how many protein coding sequences were predicted by counting the number of sequences in either of the output fasta files.

Interpretting the output format


grep -c ">" outputs/ outputs/

Since this is a chromosome downloaded from the NCBI RefSeq database we can look to the official annotation and see how many proteins we should expect to find. A copy of the protein coding sequences from this genome have been provided in your outputs/ folder.


Use grep to count the number of protein coding sequences in the official annotation for this M. bovis genome.



grep -c ">" outputs/M_bovis.canonical.faa

This number is slightly fewer than what prodigal predicts for us, but the numbers are very close. We would need to examine the predictions in detail to understand what is causing the difference.

If we inspect the output of the fasta files, you will notice that there is a lot of metadata stored in each line. For example:


head -n1 outputs/
NZ_CP005933.1_1 # 1 # 1401 # 1 # ID=1_1;partial=10;start_type=Edge;rbs_motif=None;rbs_spacer=None;gc_cont=0.293

There is quite a lot to unpack here - some is quite important to know and other parts are just descriptive. We can break down the results like so:

prodigal metadata

>NZ_CP005933.1_1 # 1 # 1401 # 1 # ID=1_1;partial=10;start_type=Edge;rbs_motif=None;rbs_spacer=None;gc_cont=0.293
|              |   |   |      |   |      |
|              |   |   |      |   |      Gene completeness
|              |   |   |      |   Unique gene ID
|              |   |   |      Orientation
|              |   |   Stop position
|              |   Start position
|              Gene suffix
Contig name

Interpreting the prodigal header

Contig name and Gene suffix

As prodigal is only concerned with predicting sequences, not annotating them, there is no functional information which can be used to guide the name of each prediction. For simplicity, protein predictions are simply named as [CONTIG NAME]_[PREDICTION]. This has some nice implications when we want to study gene synteny but for the most part numbering off the predicitons in the order they are made is the simpliest way to generate names.

Start, Stop and Orientation

The next three numbers provide the nucleotide coordinates of the coding sequence and the orientation (1 for forward, -1 for reverse). Again, these are very useful when tracking down the genomic context of a sequence and can sometimes provide a quick-and-dirty means for spotting rearrangements.

Unique gene ID

After these parameters are done, there are a series of keyword-linked pieces of information about the sequence. The unique gene identifier is used to link the entries in the fasta file to the output obtained from the -o (or stdout) channel. Similar to the prediction number, it is simply derived from the order of contigs and sequence of predictions.

Gene completeness

The main piece of information we are going to inspect is whether or not the prediction is complete of not. The 'partial' keyword provides a two digit code that reports the status of the prediction, the first digit corresponds to the start of the sequence and the second to the end of the sequence. The values these can take are either 0 (complete) or 1 (incomplete). A fully complete prediction will therefore have a code of 00, and a partial predictions can be:

  • 01 - Started, but no end found - typically when a prediction runs off the end of a contig
  • 10 - No start identified, but a complete end found - often a sequence which occurs at the start of the contig
  • 11 - No ends found - likely due to predicting for a very short contig

You can also inspect the sequences to see if they appear complete. Typically protein predictions begin with a methionine (M) amino acid residue, as this is the translation of the ATG codon. There is no residue which corresponds to stop (as stop is a gap in translation) so prodigal reports the stop position with an asterisk (*).