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3.2 - Mapping Illumina sequences to a reference


  • Teaching: 10 minutes
  • Exercises: 20 minutes

Objectives and Key points


  • Use bowtie2 to index a reference genome and map DNA paired-end reads against a reference genome.


  • Understand how to index a reference sequence for mapping.
  • Understand how to apply bowtie2 to map a set of DNA paired-end reads to the reference.

Indexing the reference sequence

Before we can map our sequence data to the reference genome (or gene sequence) obtained in the previous exercise we need to perform a step known as indexing. How this process works is well beyond the scope of this tutorial, but it is a process of performing a scan of the reference sequence and transforming it into an organised format amenable to the bowtie2 rapid mapping algorithm.

Navigate to the /nesi/project/nesi03181/phel/USERNAME/level2/mapping/ directory and perform the following commands:


cd /nesi/project/nesi03181/phel/USERNAME/level2/mapping/


module purge
module load Bowtie2/2.4.5-GCC-11.3.0

bowtie2-build references/Mbovis_87900.16S_rRNA.fna references/Mbovis_87900.16S_rRNA

This will create a series of files with the prefix Mbovis_87900.16S_rRNA and extensions .bt2 in the references/ folder. The number of files depends on the size of the reference sequence which was indexed, but collectively these files comprise the index for the reference. When we perform mapping we specify the target as the file path reference/Mbovis_87900.16S_rRNA and bowtie2 will automatically find and make sense of the index files.


Once this has completed, also index the full genome file (Mbovis_87900.genome.fna) to practice mapping against a more realistic reference sequence.



bowtie2-build references/Mbovis_87900.genome.fna references/Mbovis_87900.genome

Mapping reads with bowtie2

Once you have an index produced, it is now time to map the short sequences against the reference. The nature of the bowtie2 mapping tool is that it can be run with one of several preset configurations depending on your requirements, or you can devote quite a bit of time ot fine-tuning the parameters to optimise your output. As with most tools, you can view these options by running the command with the -h (help) parameter, or read the online manual for the tool.

For today, we will only discuss the parameters which we are going to use:

Parameter Value Purpose
--sensitive Use the 'sensitive' mapping parameters for end-to-end read mapping.
Mapping can be performed on a sliding scale changing sensitivity (thoroughness) for speed.
-x references/Mbovis_87900.16S_rRNA The path to the index file(s) corresponding to the reference sequence
-1 reads/Mbovis_87900.miseq_R1.fq.gz The forward reads file to be mapped
-2 reads/Mbovis_87900.miseq_R2.fq.gz The reverse reads file to be mapped
-S Mbovis_87900.16S_rRNA.bowtie2.sam The output sam file to which the results are to be written

Assemble these values into a command and run:


bowtie2 --sensitive \
    -x references/Mbovis_87900.16S_rRNA \
    -1 reads/Mbovis_87900.miseq_R1.fq.gz \
    -2 reads/Mbovis_87900.miseq_R2.fq.gz \
    -S Mbovis_87900.16S_rRNA.bowtie2.sam


Repeat the mapping command, this time against the full reference genome.

You will need to increase the number of computing threads to the maximum available in your JupyterHub session to get a reasonable run time. Use the help manual to find the parameter for adjusting the thread number.


Where ${n} is the number of threads available in your JupyterHub session:


bowtie2 --sensitive \
    --threads ${n} \
    -x references/Mbovis_87900.genome \
    -1 reads/Mbovis_87900.miseq_R1.fq.gz \
    -2 reads/Mbovis_87900.miseq_R2.fq.gz \
    -S Mbovis_87900.genome.bowtie2.sam