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S2 : slurm profiling

Although nn_seff command is a quick and easy way to determine the resource utilisation, it relies on peak values (data gets recorded every 30 seconds) which doesn't allows us to examine resource usage over the run-time of the job. There are number of in-built/external tools to achieve the latter which will require some effort to understand its deployment, tracing and interpretation. Therefore, we will use slurm native profiling to evaluate resource usage over run-time. This is a simple and elegant solution.

Exercise S.2.1
  • Download and decompress the content

    wget -c Exercise_S21.tar.gz -O - | tar -xz
    cd Exercise_S21

  • Run ls command and you should see three files (one .R,sl and one .py - We will discuss the purpose of this .py file after submitting the job) and one directory named slurmout

    ls -F
    example1_arraysum.R  slurmout/

  • Review the slurm script with cat Or another text editor and submit with sbatch


  • Do take a note of the JOBID as we are going to need it for next step. Otherwise, we use squeue --me OR sacct command as before to monitor the status

  • Also, you can watch the status of this job via $ watch -n 1 -d "squeue -j JOBID".
  • watch command execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen. Exiting the watch screen by done by pressing Ctrl+x

  • Let's create slurm profile graphs

    • collate the data into an HDF5 file using the command. Replace JOBID with the corresponding number

      sh5util -j JOBID
      sh5util: Merging node-step files into ./job_JOBID.h5

    • execute the script on .h5 file. We will need one of the Python 3 modules to do this. Ignore the deprecating warning.

      module purge 
      module load Python/3.8.2-gimkl-2020a

    • Replace JOBID with the corresponding number
      python job_JOBID.h5
  • This should generate a .png file where the filename is in the format of job_23258404_profile.png


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