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Quality control of the sequencing data.


  • Assess the quality of your data
  • Use FastQC package to do quality check
  • Use MultiQC to view our analysis results


Several tools available to do quality assessment. For this workshop, we will use fastqc.

First, it is always good to verify where we are:

cd ~
# Instead of "TRAINING1" you should see the training username you used to log in. 

Checking to make sure we have the Raw files for the workshop.

    RNA_seq ...

Creating a directory where to store the QC data:

cd RNA_seq
    Genome  Raw  yeast_counts_all_chr.txt

mkdir QC

NOTE: If you are familiar with working on the NeSI HPC, you will be used to loading modules (software). With the OnDemand system we do not need to load modules.

We start with quality control:

fastqc -o QC/ Raw/*
You will see an automatically updating output message telling you the progress of the analysis. It will start like this:

    Started analysis of SRR014335-chr1.fastq
    Approx 5% complete for SRR014335-chr1.fastq
    Approx 10% complete for SRR014335-chr1.fastq
    Approx 15% complete for SRR014335-chr1.fastq
    Approx 20% complete for SRR014335-chr1.fastq
    Approx 25% complete for SRR014335-chr1.fastq
    Approx 30% complete for SRR014335-chr1.fastq
    Approx 35% complete for SRR014335-chr1.fastq

The FastQC program has created several new files within our ~/RNA_seq/QC/ directory.

ls QC
    SRR014335-chr1_fastqc.html   SRR014339-chr1_fastqc.html   SRR014337-chr1_fastqc.html   SRR014341-chr1_fastqc.html
    SRR014336-chr1_fastqc.html   SRR014340-chr1_fastqc.html

Viewing the FastQC results


Working with the FastQC text output

Now that we’ve looked at our HTML reports to get a feel for the data, let’s look more closely at the other output files. Go back to the tab in your terminal program that is connected to NeSI and make sure you’re in our results subdirectory.

cd ~/RNA_seq/QC
    SRR014335-chr1_fastqc.html   SRR014339-chr1_fastqc.html   SRR014337-chr1_fastqc.html   SRR014341-chr1_fastqc.html
    SRR014336-chr1_fastqc.html   SRR014340-chr1_fastqc.html
Let's unzip the files to look at the FastQC text file outputs.

for filename in *.zip
unzip $filename

Inside each unzipped folder, there is a summary text which shows results of the statistical tests done by FastQC

ls SRR014335-chr1_fastqc
    fastqc_data.txt  fastqc_report.html  Icons/  Images/  summary.txt

Use less to preview the summary.txt file

less SRR014335-chr1_fastqc/summary.txt
# Use "q" to exit (quit) out of the window when you are done.

We can make a record of the results we obtained for all our samples by concatenating all of our summary.txt files into a single file using the cat command. We’ll call this fastqc_summaries.txt.

cat */summary.txt > ~/RNA_seq/QC/fastqc_summaries.txt 
  • Have a look at the fastqc_summaries.txt and search for any of the samples that have failed the QC statistical tests.

MultiQC - multi-sample analysis

  • The FastQC analysis is applied to each sample separately, and produces a report for each.
  • The application MultiQC provides a way to combine multiple sets of results (i.e., from MANY different software packages) across multiple samples.
  • To generate multiqc results, run the following command in the directory with the output files you want to summarise (e.g., fastqc reports generated above):

cd ~/RNA_seq/
mkdir MultiQC
cd MultiQC
cp ../QC/* ./
multiqc .
ls -F
    multiqc_data/  multiqc_report.html
The html report shows the MultiQC summary


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