Introduction to Session 1¶
During Session 1 we will establish fundamental ideas and skills that are essential for using Nextflow and customizing the execution of a nf-core pipeline.
We will start the session discussing the core features of Nextflow and learning the fundamental commands and options for executing pipelines. Next, we will learn the core features of nf-core and its tooling. This knowledge will be applied as we learn the structure of an nf-core pipeline and how customize its execution. Finally we will learn about nf-core tooling for users and how it can help you execute your pipeline.
The ideas and skills you learn will be applied during Session 2 when you explore the source code of the nf-core/sarek
pipeline and learn how to customize its execution. The workshop will finish by exploring the ways you can keep records of you runs and how to share them with others.
Create a new working directory¶
It is good practice to organize projects into their own folders to make it easier to track and replicate experiments over time.